2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Year of Mercy – February 2016


February 2016 – Counsel the Doubtful

We likely have the opportunity to practice this month’s spiritual work of mercy many times throughout our daily lives. Everyone faces times of doubt, whether it’s a difficult decision about work, a crisis of faith, uncertainty about a relationship or a lack of clarity about our next step. Some are blessed with the support and compassion of friends and family to counsel us as we move through the difficult parts of our journey. Others find no one to lean on when the inevitable trials of life occur. It is to these folks especially we are called to be Christ-like and merciful.

When we open our hearts and ears to people, the gift of presence and listening is given. And when someone knows that they are being truly heard, they give the gift of sharing their story and accepting comfort and support. You likely won’t make it through 24 hours without being blessed with the opportunity to counsel someone facing doubt, but you could also explore supporting organizations such as the Women’s Care Center who make a daily practice of offering counsel to people facing situations of extreme doubt and fear.

Wherever you find the opportunity, have faith that the Holy Spirit will guide you to be present in the way s/he needs you.