2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211


“The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind…” Bob Dylan

Dear friends,

It seems as if all we have these days are questions. Though every time in history is poignantly unique, now seems more pressing than ever because the questions are ours! Where is the world going? I am worried about the world, and what we are passing on to our kids and our kids’ kids. I am worried about our country which I love with all my heart. I am worried about our church which I love with all my heart. I am worried…

Then we come to Pentecost! Then I hear Jesus bestowing upon us the Spirit of peace and reminding that he is with us till the end of time, and that not even the gates of hell can prevail upon us. I remember the story of Jesus and all those who have lived with that story restoring and giving hope and courage even in the most desperate times. I remember the saints. I remember my grandma. I remember dear priest friends. I remember love that lasts even when life seems to be falling apart. And then I know the Holy Spirit, which blows throughout crazy human history and always prevails, is always present.

Then I worry a bit less. I look forward with hope knowing that I am part of a great story of love, and that we broken humans are nevertheless being loved into a future of love. The story goes on, and the answer blowing in the wind is nothing other than Love!

Sincerely, with love,

Fr. Tim