2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211


Why We Give

Without the time, talents and financial support of our parishioners, the ministries of Saints Peter and Paul would not be possible. As a faith community, we would be unable to offer the communal witness of the Gospel to one another and to the larger community in which we live.

Please give serious consideration to how you will financially support the parish. This commitment will be your pledge, through the end of the calendar year. As a new calendar year approaches, you will receive new pledge information. How much? We suggest 5% of net income for parish support. Please prayerfully consider this.

Thank you for your generosity in supporting Saints Peter and Paul!

Online Giving

We are pleased to be able to accept online donations and payments made with credit or debit cards. Click the button below to be directed to our secure online payment portal. Please note that in order to reduce costs for the parish, any payment made with a credit card will be assessed the 3% processing fee. Payment made with a debit card will not incur any processing fees. If you have questions regarding online payments, please contact Chris D’Amato, Director of Administrative Services, at 414-271-6577, or cdamato@ffpmke.org.

Check this box to make a monthly recurring payment.
Leave it unchecked for a one-time payment.


Offertory Envelopes

Registered members receive in the mail a packet of printed weekly envelopes which can be put in the collection basket or mailed to the parish office. Thank you for using the envelopes – they help with our budgeting and record keeping. If you’d like to become a registered member of Saints Peter and Paul, please contact the parish office at 414-962-2443 or mkababik@ffpmke.org, or fill out an interest card found in the pews at church and return it in the collection basket or to the parish office.

If you are a registered parishioner within our four-parish family, and you are attending Mass at any of our six churches on the weekend, you may place your offertory envelope in the collection. It will be forwarded to the parish where you are registered and included with your contributions for the year. Please use your parish envelopes to ensure that proper credit is given and contact your parish office if you have any questions.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

We also provide the option of having your pledge amount deducted via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from your bank account. If you are interested, please fill out the form in the link below and return it with a voided check to the parish office. If you have questions regarding this please contact Chris D’Amato, in the parish office, at 414-962-2443, or cdamato@ffpmke.org.

Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization

Other Financial Gifts

Name Us in Your Will

By giving to the Church upon your death in your will, you can make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime.

Retirement Plan Gifts

You can donate taxable retirement assets to us. The Church is a tax-exempt organization that will not have to pay income tax on distributions, whereas your heirs would have to pay income tax on these assets.

Gifts That Pay You Income

Other estate planning techniques are available that allow you to preserve your estate for your children and, at the same time, deliver years of income to the Church.

If you have included Saints Peter and Paul in your estate plan, please let us know. You may contact Chris D’Amato, Director of Administrative Services, at 414-271-6577 or cdamato@ffpmke.org. We would like to say thank you!

Financial Summary

Click to view Financial Summary.