2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Adult Formation

Adult Confirmation

The Adult Confirmation program prepares those who were baptized and received First Communion to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, confirmed adults are fully initiated into the Church. Our hope is that in preparing for Confirmation, adults will learn not only about their faith, but how to live that faith as thoughtful, mature, compassionate disciples of Jesus. 

For further information contact Fr. Carlos Londoño at clondono@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6180.


Baptism Preparation

New and expecting parents are invited to our monthly baptismal preparation sessions, typically held on the last Monday of the month. During these sessions, we will walk through the rite of Baptism so that parents can more fully appreciate what we are celebrating as we welcome their child into the Body of Christ – the Church – in Baptism. The role and selection of godparents as well as ongoing support for parents are also discussed. You can register for an upcoming session at tinyurl.com/BaptismPrepMKE.

For further information contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at aclausen@ffpmke.org or 414-962-2443.


Beacon Moms Groups

Moms, do you need some time for yourself, to recharge and refocus on what really matters? Are you looking for support from other women on this journey of motherhood? Would you appreciate a little boost in your faith in the midst of your busy family life? Please consider joining a vibrant community of love and support in one of our five wonderful Beacon Moms Groups. These are small, friendly groups of women who meet twice a month for conversation and prayer. We offer a variety of both daytime and evening groups, as well as a Thursday morning drop-in Playgroup and a monthly Moms Night Out.

Please contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at aclausen@ffpmke.org or 414-962-2443 for more information about connecting to this friendly community of mothers. We would love to have you join us!


Becoming Catholic (RCIA)

Do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith?
Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
Are you an adult seeking First Communion and Confirmation?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, we invite you to journey with us this year for the RCIA! Every year adults are welcomed into the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). RCIA is a wonderful process for learning about the Catholic faith, pursuing your faith questions, connecting with others in our faith community on a similar journey, and entering into life as a disciple of Jesus in the Catholic Church.

RCIA invites those who have never been baptized, those who may have been baptized in another Christian tradition, and those who were baptized Catholic but have not received the sacraments of first Holy Communion or Confirmation.

Meetings for RCIA are on Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 pm in Old St. Mary’s Parish Center (835 N Milwaukee St).  This group meets weekly September – May, with sacraments being received at the Easter Vigil. We would love to have you join us as we seek to follow Jesus together and witness to His life-giving love!

For further information contact Chad Griesel, Pastoral Associate, at cgriesel@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.


Dads Group

The Dads Group gets together for prayer and a lively conversation every other week September through May. For more information or to be added to the Dads Group email list, contact Andy Clausen at garnet888@gmail.com.


Eat, Drink and Be Catholic

Eat, Drink and Be Catholic offers women and men of all ages a casual (and hopefully friendly!) opportunity to explore the Catholic faith. Using elements from programs like Theology on Tap and RCIA, we hope to provide space for intellectual, relational and spiritual growth as well as some real community building. Our hope is that at the end of each evening, individuals not only know more but are inspired and empowered too. The format ranges from speakers and group discussion to movies and music. Drinks and appetizers are provided.

For further information contact Chad Griesel, Pastoral Associate, at cgriesel@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.


Engagement Social

All engaged couples are invited to come and enjoy heavy appetizers, beverages, a simple speaker presentation, and time together with other engaged couples. There are three offerings throughout the year at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Register at tinyurl.com/engagementsocial.

Contact Nino Rebholz, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at nrebholz@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.


Family Justice Brigade

By putting families’ faith into action, the Family Justice Brigade will provide families opportunities to serve others in our community, to learn about social justice, and to work towards a more peaceful and just city. We are open to families of all faith backgrounds. Our families can all work together to bring about more peace and justice in our community!

Contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at aclausen@ffpmke.org or 414-962-2443.


FOCCUS Ministry

FOCCUS is an internationally used inventory for couples preparing for marriage. It is not a test, but is rather a tool to help couples learn more about themselves and the manner in which they relate to their partner. FOCCUS and other similar inventories can be very useful for diagnosing areas of both strength and weakness in couple communication.  Within our parishes, married couples serve as facilitators for this process that our engaged couples complete as part of their marriage preparation.

For further information contact Chad Griesel, Pastoral Associate, at cgriesel@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.


Men’s Group

Beginning with the Sunday readings, men are invited into a small group in which they can talk about how they strive to live their faith authentically. Drawing on the power of God’s Word, these men take time to reflect on what this Word is saying to their lives and to share their experiences with other men who are trying to understand and respond to God’s invitation to relationship.

For further information contact Chad Griesel, Pastoral Associate, at cgriesel@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.



“A Church which ‘goes forth’ is a Church whose doors are open…Often it is better simply to slow down, to put aside our eagerness in order to see and listen to others, to stop rushing from one thing to another and to remain with someone who has faltered along the way.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium

OremusMKE is an outreach ministry that seeks to literally open the doors of our churches to welcome people in. The life of our churches does not always coincide with the life of our neighborhoods. By opening our churches for prayer, adoration, music and reflection during a busy weekend night, we hope to bring people into our churches so that they can experience the power of God and the hospitality of our parish community. Pairs of people go out and invite our neighbors and passersby in to see our beautiful churches, light a candle, and spend some quiet time in prayer. All in our four-parish family are welcome to join these nights by coming to pray in the church. If you are interested in getting involved further, we are looking for volunteers to greet/welcome people at the door, to go out to invite our neighbors in to the church, and/or to assist with planning.

For further information contact Nino Rebholz, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at nrebholz@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.


Reflecting on the Sunday Readings

On the first and third Mondays of each month, we invite individuals to share and reflect on the upcoming Sunday readings. In a small group setting, we break open God’s Word, allowing it to speak to our lives and to challenge us to grow in our understanding of who God is, who we are, and who God is calling us to be.

For further information contact Chad Griesel, Pastoral Associate, at cgriesel@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.


Social Justice Faith Formation

When was the last time you had an experience that touched your soul? If you are looking to encounter your faith in a way that challenges you, changes you, and charges you to live as a Christian in today’s world, JustFaith may be for you. JustFaith has several programs such as JustFaith, Engaging Spirituality, and Just Matters – Faith & Equity. They invite participants to encounter the Spirit of Jesus in our midst, especially in the lives of people who are poor and vulnerable. It is an opportunity to honor the call of discipleship within God’s vision of justice and reconciliation. Everyone is welcome!

Contact Idalia Nieves-Reyes, Director of Social Justice and Outreach, at inievesreyes@ffpmke.org or 414-276-9814.


SPRED (Special Religious Development)

SPRED, Special Religious Development, is a small faith community in our parish that includes people with special needs. It combines both religious education and community building. SPRED is an intuitive model grounded in relationships and the use of symbol. The goal of this symbolic method is to develop a sense of the sacred, the sense of Christ and a sense of Church.

A relationship with God is accessible to all. Friendship is the human experience closest to understanding the presence of God in life. By calling to mind life experiences and sharing these experiences in a circle of friendship, the small community of faith becomes aware of the sacredness of all life and then returns to daily life changed.

Three Holy Women serves a group of youth age 11-16 years old; SS Peter & Paul serves a group of adolescents age 17-21; Our Lady of Divine Providence serves a group of adults age 22 and older. If you know someone with special needs who may benefit from SPRED, if you would like to be a part our SPRED group at Saints Peter and Paul, or if you simply want to know more about SPRED, contact our parish chairperson, Helen Bolgrien, at 414-322-3412 or hbolgrien@gmail.com. You may also visit spredmilwaukee.org.


Two Become One Newlywed Ministry

The Family of Five Parishes is excited to launch a monthly gathering for newly married couples (about 5 years or less) beginning September 2023. Come enjoy a great night where you’ll have time to meet other newly married couples, enjoy some beverages together, and hear a presentation for practical tips, experience, and life in marriage. Register at tinyurl.com/newlywedministry.

Contact Nino Rebholz, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at nrebholz@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.


UPLIFT Young Adults

“Uniting People Living in Faith and Truth” (UPLIFT) Family Formation Program is the Family of Four parish formation program for all ages. Any and all young adults in their 20s and 30s are welcome to join UPLIFT Young Adults monthly from September-May. Here we will gather together for some intentional prayer time, hear a speaker and enjoy a beverage together. Sessions are Sundays from 2:30 – 4:00 pm. Go to tinyurl.com/upliftyoungadults2022 for a complete list of dates, details, and to RSVP. 

If you have questions or would like to be on the email list, contact Nino Rebholz, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at nrebholz@ffpmke.org or 414-271-6577.