2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

“Blessing, upon second thought, is not always an obvious gift. Often it’s what’s needed for the next part of the journey – Kicking and screaming, perhaps, but without which the ground remains hard.” (Sr. Madeleva Williams, CSJ)

Dear Friends,

As we celebrate the great gift of the Eucharist this Sunday, we are reminded that God continually shows up and feeds and provides for his people, often in ways they don’t expect. Be it the multiplication of loaves and fishes, changing water into wine, manna falling from heaven, or simple bread broken and wine shared, he always shows up and gives us what we need.

The struggle is that sometimes we don’t realize how hungry we are or we are desiring a different kind of food. But God’s way always is what we need at the time to keep moving on in the journey. God knows what we need even before we ask for it. And the food will sustain us even in the hardest times.

So perhaps we need to identify our hungers. What is going on in our lives that needs nourishment? Secondly, what kind of food are we using to fill our needs? Maybe busy-ness, anxiety, addictions, unhealthy personal relationships. Maybe TV or games or soap operas or politics or anger.

If we bring whatever our hungers are to the Lord and to Mass, and really believe that the bread of angels is being served, maybe we will find a deep peace we didn’t know existed. Give it a try. Really believe the food being served at Mass is the best…

Because it is!

Sincerely, with love,

Fr. Tim