July 2023 Gospel Teasers
Each week, the priests, staff, and other members of our faith community will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. July 30: Fr. Joseph July 23: Jack Bolog July 16: Sam Vosters July 9: Fr. Carlos July 2:…
Pilgrimage to Ireland 2024
Join Fr. Tim Kitzke and Milwaukee Catholic Home on an exciting 10-day pilgrimage to Ireland! June 2-11, 2024 This trip will give us a special glimpse of a unique part of the world, with a wonderful mix of history, ancient ruins, stunning panoramic views, legendary castles and moats, and romantic and…
June 2023 Gospel Teasers
Each week, the priests and staff will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. June 25: Mamie Riyeff June 11: Sarah Haus June 4: Meggie Moyer
May Gospel Teasers
Each week, the priests and staff will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. May 28: Anh Clausen May 21: Terri Balash May 14: Mary Robertson May 7: Jack Bolog
April Gospel Teasers
Each week, the priests and staff will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. April 30: Timothy Trzcinko April 23: Nino Rebholz April 16: Sarah Haus April 9: Fr. Carlos
Lent 2023 Weekly Reflections
Week 1: February 26 This weekend, we listen to two stories of temptation: the temptation of Adam and Eve in the garden and the temptation of Jesus in the desert. The first reading tells us the all too human story of temptation: not trusting that God is going to give…
Gospel Teasers
Gospel Teasers Video Reflections Our new video series debuts this Lent: Gospel Teasers. Each week, the priests and staff will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. February 19 Introduction: Fr. Carlos Ash Wednesday: Fr. Tim February 26:…
Lent 2023
Lent 2023 – Real Presence: Real Love The Family of Four Parishes is happy to announce that this year’s Lenten theme is “Real Presence: Real Love.” Our Lenten almsgiving partner is the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Milwaukee. During this season of Lent, we will invite parishioners to learn…
2023 Catholic Stewardship Appeal
The Catholic Stewardship Appeal offers a unique opportunity to support Catholic life throughout the ten-county Archdiocese of Milwaukee with a single gift—a gift that helps sustain a broad spectrum of life-changing ministries and programs that meaningfully impact people’s lives. Contributions to the annual $8.1 million Catholic Stewardship Appeal are restricted…
Thank You From Kinship Community Food Center
Happy Thanksgiving! From your family at Kinship Community Food Center! Thanks to everyone at Family of Four Parishes, we were able to provide more than 400 families with delicious ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal to share with their loved ones this holiday! As our Executive Director, Vincent Noth, shared in a TMJ4…