Priest Assignment Announcement
Fr. Tim, our pastor, is happy to announce on behalf of the archbishop the following priestly assignments to the Family of Five Parishes serving the parishes of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Old St. Mary, Our Lady of Divine Providence, Sts. Peter and Paul, Three Holy Women, effective…
Holy Week Resources
We invite you to walk with Jesus during this most holy week of the year. In-person services can be found on the Mass Times page, and online resources are linked below. Palm Sunday Mass at Old St. Mary – Livestreamed at 9:00 am on YouTube “Triduum: A Spiritual Pilgrimage” Video…
Lenten Mission
If you were unable to join us for any of the three mission nights with Sr. Julia, we have posted videos of each night on the Cathedral’s Vimeo and YouTube channels. Or you can view the playlist below by clicking in the upper right corner to select each video. Lenten…
Lent 2024
Lenten Mission – Broken For All We are excited to welcome Sister Julia Walsh, FSPA for a three-night Lenten Mission on February 26, 27, and 28 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist from 6:30 – 8:00 pm each night. Simultaneous translation in Spanish will be available for these…
2024 Catholic Stewardship Appeal
The Catholic Stewardship Appeal offers a unique opportunity to support Catholic life throughout the ten-county Archdiocese of Milwaukee with a single gift—a gift that helps sustain a broad spectrum of life-changing ministries and programs that meaningfully impact people’s lives. Contributions to the annual $8.1 million Catholic Stewardship Appeal are restricted…
Floor Renovations: Church Reopening February 17
SS Peter and Paul church will be undergoing flooring renovations! The church will be closed January 22, 2024 through February 16, 2024. During the closure, all Masses and adoration will take place at Holy Rosary Church (2011 N Oakland Ave). SSPP’s Saturday 5:00 pm Mass will be combined with Holy…