2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

St. Joseph Tavolata

March 23, 2025 @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Three Holy Women-St. Rita Hall
1617 N Cass St
Milwaukee, WI 53202

The Saint Joseph Table Returns Sunday, March 23, 2025!
Table Blessing follows the 10:30 am Mass
Table continues until the raffle at 1:30 pm
St. Rita Church & Hall (1617 N Cass St)
Admission is free

The Christian Women Society invites you to experience this Italian tradition through which Three Holy Women Parish honors St. Joseph. The intent of this communal celebration is to help those in need.

Legend tells us that during a time of drought and famine in Sicily, people prayed to St. Joseph for his intercession. When the rains came, crops were planted, and people were able to rise up and thrive again. From their crops, they prepared a grand feast and, with their neighbors in need, they feasted together in thanksgiving to St. Joseph.

In keeping with this Italian tradition, the parish prepares a table or altar, a display of food and faith celebrating St. Joseph on his March 19 feast day. Occurring during Lent, this beautifully adorned table is filled with donated meatless dishes, traditional foods, sculpted breads and sweets. After a blessing, the food is sold to attendees. Participants receive a complimentary bread roll and a bowl of pasta con sarde, a favorite Lenten pasta with fish sauce (also served without the fish sauce). A specially prepared cake is cut and shared with those present. A raffle is held with a wonderful variety of prizes, including restaurant certificates, tickets to events, gift baskets and cash prizes! Proceeds from the food sales, raffle and free will offerings are donated to the parish’s social justice ministry, as well as other organizations or projects in the community that provide services to people needing help.

Admission is free. You need not be present at the time of the raffle drawing to win. Monetary donations are also welcome! Questions? Contact Chris Conley at christineconley71@gmail.com.