2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

February 2024 Weekly Bulletin Messages


February 25th, 2024 – Second Sunday of Lent

Father Tim

“To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.”
(St. John Henry Newman)

Dear Friends,

The Lenten Gospel of the Transfiguration this Sunday reminds us that in his time with us when he was here on earth, Jesus was constantly inviting us to change the way in which we see him and, because of him, the way we see our lives.

Rather than a time of doom and gloom, Lent is a walk into the light, a refreshing pause in the ordinary living that is most of our time, to step back and get a clear vision of the glory we are called to be living. Through increased and different ways of praying, fasting, and almsgiving than we are used to or don’t do at all, we can “see through things” and experience Jesus in new ways, and then let him change how we see our lives in this sometimes dark and dreary world.

Bright light shows wrinkles and cracks, but it also shows the possibilities for improvement and beauty! Change something this week in your life because of Christ, and see what he has to show you—light in darkness, peace in tumult, hope in despair, joy in sadness, relief in worry!

See you at the Family of Five Parish Mission! Take a chance, show up, and be changed!

God bless you always,
Fr. Tim

February 18th, 2024 – First Sunday of Lent

Father Joseph

Did you notice anything different on the cover of the bulletin? It is the first week of a new bulletin for the Family of Five Parishes! Since June, we have been publishing two bulletins—one for the Cathedral and one for the Family of Four parishes. Our amazing office administrators have worked hard over the last few months to prepare to move to one bulletin. We are thankful for their amazing work.

Having one bulletin has many advantages. First, it will save staff time not producing two bulletins with similar information each week. Second, all Family of Five staff contacts are now in one place. Third, we can share the many great opportunities we offer in our parishes that are open to all as we work together to provide so much more to our parishes by combining our efforts and reducing redundancies to reach more people every day. Please take time each week to read the bulletin to know what is happening in our parishes.

Besides a new bulletin, we are also in the early days of Lent. How has it been going so far? It is not too late to start Lenten practices. This weekend is a great time to reflect on how the first days of Lent are going.

Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving

Are your Lenten practices too easy? Maybe there is something more that you could add. Are you struggling with the burden of your Lenten disciplines? Pray through and see if you are trying to do too much or if it is distracting you from drawing yourself closer to Christ on the Cross.

Our Lenten practices should be helping us grow closer to Christ; now is a good time to ensure that they are helping on that mission.

I pray every one of you has a great and holy Lent so we can fully participate in the Triduum and eventually celebrate with joy the Resurrection of our Lord.

God Bless,
Fr. Joseph

February 11th, 2024 – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Father Carlos

“Jesus stretched out his hand,
touched him, and said to him
‘I do will it. Be made clean.’ ”
(Mark 1:41)

Dear friends,

The Gospel for this Sunday is of special beauty. The Evangelist Mark is very detailed in telling us about Jesus’ interactions with the sick.

Last week, with Simon’s mother-in-law who laid sick, Mark shared that Jesus “approached her, grasped her hand and helped her up” (Mark 1:31.) The same is the case this weekend with the Lord’s interaction with a leper in the Gospel.

Jesus does not stand afar, but he gets involved with our lives. Life is messy, and Jesus is not afraid of the mud. The Lord comes close to us and is not afraid of the consequences: ultimately for him, the crucifixion. There is no other way to come close to others than entering that person’s world and sharing in the beauty and the mess of that person’s life.

Some people need help, a word of encouragement, a companion in the journey. My invitation this Sunday is that we may not fear the mud and grasp the other person’s hand to help them up. Jesus does the same for us every time we allow him to draw near. May we always help others to walk the path of life.

God bless,
Fr. Carlos
I Do Will It

February 4th, 2024 – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Father Tim

“To love the poor is to love Christ.”
(Pope Francis)

Dear Friends,

I am so honored that our Family of Five Parishes tries to take to heart and action His Holiness’ call to be a Church always in service and affection for all those who fall through the cracks, the poor, the lost, the excluded, the forgotten, those at the margins.

We have always been a Church that cares. We have just hired Idalia Nieves-Reyes as our new Director of Social Justice and Outreach for the Family of Five. Expanding on her leadership at the Cathedral Open Door Café, Idalia will help to coordinate involvement in many types of direct service, but also educational and advocacy programming so we can be true to the Church’s rich teaching and guidance in Catholic Social Teaching and Respect Life goals.

Idalia will be at Masses over the next months to meet us all. Stay tuned into the bulletin, websites, and other media so we can all work together to bring Christ to a world so in need.

As we move to Lent, I would like to announce that our Lenten Almsgiving Program this year will benefit the Open Door Café. The Lenten call to prayer, fasting, almsgiving will help this important local program to continue the amazing work that Idalia, along with the manager of the dining room, Jayson, and cook, Lauren, and many faithful volunteers, already do so well.

So get ready to sacrifice for the poor this Lent! More info will be coming.

Welcome, Idalia, and thank you to all who already do so much in the many programs our lively parishes have, and to you, dear parishioners, who provide such generosity to keep things going!

Sincerely, with love,
Fr. Tim, Your Pastor