“I am the Resurrection and the Life says the Lord…
Whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live,
And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”
John 11:26
Our deepest sympathies to you at the loss of someone you love. As your parish staff and community, we are here to support you and to help you prepare to celebrate the funeral service. Participating in the planning and celebration of your loved one’s funeral can often provide courage and comfort for you in the mourning process. This material is provided to help you begin that process. The information below will help you participate in the planning of the funeral liturgy. The Director of Liturgy and Music will contact you soon and answer any questions you may have. If you have immediate questions, please feel free to call or email Tom Koester at 414-962-2443 or tkoester@ffpmke.org. Please know of our love and support for you in this time of grief and the coming months ahead.
If you would like to participate in the selection of hymns and psalms for the funeral liturgy, the Funeral Music list will help you get started. You will need to select 4 hymns/songs; Entrance, Preparation of the Gifts (Offertory), Communion, and Closing. You may also select a psalm to be sung between the first and second readings. The parish will provide a cantor to lead the music. If a family member would like to sing a song, please speak with the Director of Liturgy and Music during the planning process. A small parish choir will also be at the liturgy to support the assembly’s singing. Please enter your song selections into the form at the bottom of this page.
Please click the following links to read and select one First Reading, one Second Reading, and one Gospel Reading. You will also need to select one of the sets of Prayers of the Faithful. If you would like to write your own Prayers of the Faithful, you can use these as samples, write your own, type them and bring them to church. We will have copies of all the readings ready for your readers at church. Please enter your reading selections into the form at the bottom of this page. Please also enter the names of all readers.
Click to view First Readings
Click to view Second Readings
Click to view Gospel Readings
Click to view Prayers of the Faithful
Gift Bearers
Please select 2-4 people to bring up the gifts of bread and wine and enter their names into the form below. The gifts will be in the back of church or in front of the front pew, ready for you to carry up.
Eulogy or Remarks of Remembrance (optional)
If someone would like to share some remarks of remembrance with the gathered assembly, please talk to your priest about this. The guide is no longer than 5 minutes. These remarks will be shared after the entrance song. Your priest will give you more information about this.