2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

July 2024 Weekly Bulletin Messages


Father Carlos

July 14th, 2024 – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

Have you ever felt inadequate for a task?

This weekend, we hear from the book of the prophet Amos how he became a prophet. He says, “I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets; The Lord, [however], took me from following the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy…”

Many times, I have felt inadequate to be a priest, yet I hear the Lord telling me as he once told St. Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”

My invitation this weekend is to greater trust in God, especially when we don’t feel up to the task. He would be a very mean God if he asked us to accomplish tasks that he is not willing to help us fulfill! We know our God is good, and that he provides what we need to fulfill his will, a will that always leads us to peace, joy, and life in abundance.

This week we will be welcoming people from all over the country for the Republican National Convention. As the presence of Christ in the city, we will keep the Cathedral and Old Saint Mary’s open from 7 am until 6 pm for the duration of the Convention.

Mass Schedule: Cathedral: M-Th at 5:15pm
Old St. Mary: M-Th at 7am & 12:05pm

Confessions: Old St. Mary: M & T at 11:30am
Cathedral: W & Th at 4:30pm

Eucharistic Adoration: All Day

May God bless us all, especially those visitors coming to Milwaukee and our parishes these days!

With my love,
Fr. Carlos

Father Brian

July 7th, 2024 – Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Sisters & Brothers,

Please allow me to introduce myself or, as the case may be, re-introduce myself. I am Father Brian Mason, your new associate pastor. I had the privilege of serving at Old Saint Mary, Our Lady of Divine Providence, Ss. Peter and Paul, and Three Holy Women from 2008-2012.

My ordination on May 22, 1993, marked the beginning of a journey that led me to serve in various parish and archdiocesan positions. My most recent role was at Saint Mary Catholic Faith Community in Hales Corners, where I served as associate pastor from 2013-2014 and then as pastor from 2014-2021.

I departed from St. Mary in 2021 to pursue graduate studies at the Hazelden Betty Ford Graduate School in Center City, Minnesota. This chapter of my life culminated in my graduation this past April with a master’s degree in counseling, specializing in addiction counseling. I am now excited to be serving the Family of Five Parishes for three-quarters of my time and dedicating the remaining one-quarter to ministering to individuals and families affected by drug and alcohol addiction.

I left all of you in 2012 to be treated for alcohol addiction. Today, June 27, as I write this article, I am celebrating twelve years of sobriety. My recovery is integral to who I am, to my ongoing health, and to helping me be the best person and priest I can be. God has been so good to me over these years. I have a great sponsor, and I attend several Twelve Step meetings each week.

I cannot adequately express how happy I am to return to the Family of Five Parishes. I will do my very best to serve you with compassion, inclusion, generosity, and, most of all, love. Please be patient with me as I start to get to know you. I look forward to celebrating our Faith and growing together with you as disciples of Jesus Christ.

With my love,
Fr. Brian