May 27, 2018 – The Most Holy Trinity
“When they all saw Jesus, they worshiped, but they doubted.”
(The Gospel of St. Matthew, ch. 28)
“When they all saw Jesus, they worshiped, but they doubted.”
(The Gospel of St. Matthew, ch. 28)
Dear Friends,
On This Trinity Sunday, I find myself drawn to always try to “explain” the dogma of a God who is One God and Three Persons. Being one of the central mysteries reveled to the Church, my inadequacy to do so is the only thing I could really explain!
The point of dogma is that it continues to reveal to us age-old truths in new circumstances. In an age of doubt and cynicism about anything we can’t understand or control (or buy!), we need the Trinity more than ever to help us realize we are not the center of the universe, that the Eternal is all-powerful and all-encompassing, and we are just one little speck in the wide expanse of the universe.
But that is the wonder of the mystery—God wants to be involved with us. God never doubts our worth, though we might doubt his reality. God believes in us even when we don’t fully believe in Him. God knows everything about us, even to the smallest detail, and He still cares and wants to share life and meaning with us and help us to have healthy and life-giving relationships showing His love and care.
Not a full, explanation of the Trinity, but if I were a betting man, I know a winner when I see one! And I love God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit with all my heart!
Have a blessed Memorial Day. Please come to Mass at 9am Memorial Day at Old St. Mary to honor our veterans and all who have given their lives for us, and to remember all members of the military as we pray for peace and justice!
Sincerely, with love,
Fr. Tim
May 20, 2018 – Pentecost Sunday
Pentecost Sunday
“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”
(Gal 5:22-23)
Pentecost Sunday
“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”
(Gal 5:22-23)
Dear Friends:
Today we celebrate the marvelous deeds of the Lord as we conclude the 50 days of Easter with the Solemnity of Pentecost. It is a time for the in breaking of the Holy Spirit, described as wind or breath, completing the entire Paschal Mystery of the Lord Jesus Christ. The focus is on unity within diversity. On Pentecost Sunday the many people gathered in Jerusalem for the Jewish feast of Shavuot which commemorated the giving of the Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai heard the followers of Jesus in their own tongue. Through God’s marvelous intervention, the curse of the tower of Babel was broken. We also celebrate and honor that fact that “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” (1 Cor.12:7)
How do we celebrate our unity within diversity? Where are the signs of the Spirit in our world today? Yesterday May 19 four transitional deacons were ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee: Reverends William Arnold, Andrew Infanger, Aaron Laskiewicz and John LoCoco. Fr. Andrew Infanger will celebrate his Mass of Thanksgiving on this Sunday at 4:00 p.m. at St. Casimir. All are welcome. We can sense the Spirit in the adults being confirmed at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on Sunday afternoon. We join in prayerful union with our Jewish brothers and sisters celebrating Shavuot. We also pray for peace and understanding among all world religions as our Muslim brothers and sisters observe the month of Ramadan which began on May 15th. It is an intense time of prayer, fasting and works of mercy.
Fr. Tim and I extend a cordial invitation to all disciples and seekers who want to know Jesus more to a presentation by Rich Harter on Tuesday May 22nd from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Divine Providence Parish-St. Casimir Parish. Pray for our Common Parish Pastoral Council which has its’ final meeting for the season this coming Thursday May 24th.
As our Christian formation sessions have concluded another year, I want to thank Ralph Stewart and Nadine Stoltz and all the ESCYM catechists and Ken Gardinier and the catechists who serve in Christian Formation at Old St. Mary’s Parish.
People have asked me why I listed St. Rose of Lima Parish as a place to make a contribution to in my honor as I retire. I served my first pastorate at St. Rose of Lima from December 1987-June 1994. I have a special place in my heart for all the parishes in the Central City who do great ministry but lack the financial resources.
Love and blessings as we conclude the Easter season.
Fr. Mike Michalski
May 13, 2018 – The Ascension of the Lord
Remember, Oh Most Gracious Virgin Mary, That never was it known that anyone who fled to Thy protection, implored Thy help, or sought Thy intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto Thee, Oh Virgin of Virgins, my Mother, to thee do I come, before Thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Oh Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in Thy
mercy, hear and answer me. Amen. (St. Bernard)
Remember, Oh Most Gracious Virgin Mary, That never was it known that anyone who fled to Thy protection, implored Thy help, or sought Thy intercession, was left unaided.
Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto Thee, Oh Virgin of Virgins, my Mother, to thee do I come, before Thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Oh Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in Thy
mercy, hear and answer me. Amen. (St. Bernard)
Dear Friends,
This was the first prayer I memorized after the big three, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. I thought of it as we celebrate Mother’s Day because it was on a holy card my mom gave me. The more I prayed it (because my mom told me to), the more it became part of me. The more I prayed it, the more convinced I became that intercessory prayer, that type of prayer in which we invoke Jesus to help us through our relationships with others, the Saints and our beloved deceased, was a great way to pray because it was a prayer of connection and relationship.
Life is hard enough, especially when we have to face so much alone. But prayer brings union with Christ and with others. As Mary was in union with Christ through conception, birth, youth, the Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension, we are reminded of our eternal connections which assure us we are never alone.
So let us celebrate this Mother’s Day remembering our moms, remembering all women and the gift they are to a world so disconnected! Let us praise God for the gift of children and work to make the world a safer, happier, healthier place for all, from the first moments of connection till the last breath we take reconnecting us with our loving Creator!
Sincerely, with love,
Fr. Tim
May 6, 2018 – Sixth Sunday of Easter
“As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.
Live on in my love…The
command I give you is this, that you love one another.” (Jn 15:9, 17)
Dear Friends:
These words of Jesus, taken from the Farewell Discourse, summarize the whole message of the gospel. Jesus came to show how much He loves the Father by laying down His life for us. The whole purpose of Christ’s coming into the world was to share with us the joy of living in unbounded love. We do this as a community of believers who are called friends and live in communion with one another.
It seems appropriate to reflect on this message as we celebrate First Communion with many of our children at various masses this weekend. Last weekend Old St. Mary’s Parish celebrated this most wondrous sacrament with four of our children at the 11:30am mass. I still have my First Communion certificate with the date of May 18, 1958 at St. Hyacinth Parish. I don’t remember all the details of that day but I wore a nice suit and carried a candle in procession. My aunt Sr. Georgia Banicki who taught at St. Josaphat School came to the house with another nun for the reception. Later in the afternoon, we returned to church to receive a scapular.
The Scripture readings for today remind us that our communion in the Lord is expressed in two ways: by living in a loving relationship with Jesus and by following the commandment to “love one another as I love you.” For us Catholics our communion in love is celebrated in the Holy Eucharist in which we remember the Passover of the Lord and receive the fruits of His sacrifice as we eat the Body of the Lord and drink His blood. Holy Communion enables us to live in communion with the world. A special thanks to all who helped in the formation of our families and children as they prepared for this special day.
As I prepare to retire, I want to invite you to a series of farewell receptions. There are four opportunities to attend a reception after mass. Since spring is such a busy time, I hope one of these dates fits your schedule. The dates are: Saturday June 2 after the 4 pm mass at OLDP-St. Casimir Parish; Sunday June 3 after the 9:30am mass at SS. Peter and Paul; Saturday June 9 after the 4:30pm mass at OSM; and Sunday June 10 after the 10:30am mass at THW-Holy Rosary Parish.
My last weekend at the parish is Father Day’s weekend June 16-17. While I appreciate cards and best wishes, if you want to make a contribution in my honor please write out a check to St. Rose of Lima Parish and send it to Three Holy Women Parish c/o Fr. Tim Kitzke. You can also drop the check in any of the four parish collection baskets at mass and it will be forwarded to Fr. Tim.
Let us love one another as Jesus commanded.
Fr. Mike Michalski