2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Men of Christ Conference

Dear Men of our Parish,

I write to personally invite you to join me in participating in the Men of Christ Catholic Conference scheduled for March 10 at the Milwaukee Theater.

As men we all struggle to fulfill our financial and spiritual responsibilities in the midst of the daily fatigue of life. If we are to be men who live with the confidence and joy that God desires for us we cannot work in isolation. At times we need to come together as men in order to better understand how to fulfill our calling as Christians living in a secular culture. This men’s conference is just such a time.

The speakers are always excellent. They provide insightful solutions to everyday problems, while creating a passion and excitement for the faith.

I highly recommend that you consider attending this event. It is easy to register. Just visit their website at https://menofchrist.net/.

I hope to see you at the conference.

In Christ,

Fr. Tim Kitzke,