All You Need to Know to Celebrate Mardi Gras at Monte Carlo
Come dressy, come casual, come in Mardi Gras garb… just make sure you come for the revelry and fun!
6:00 Casino de Chapelet Sacre doors open
-Check in and get in the mood with your Mardi Gras beads.
-Receive your voucher for $500 in chips.
-Our SUPER SILENT AUCTION is ready for your bids. Browse the tables and receive a bonus chip voucher.
-Yes, the bar is open, as well as our fabulous buffet.
-Look for our Mardi Gras Jester and buy your 50/50 raffle tickets. The more tickets sold, the bigger the winner’s half of the pot!
-Don’t miss our ever-popular wine pull and growler pulls. We will store your bottles and growlers for pick-up at the end of the evening.
-More fun awaits at our Mardi Gras Photo Booth! Post your favorite photos on social media!
-Visit the “Taste of Milwaukee” Packages display, near the bar. To win one of these packages you’ll redeem your casino chips for tickets, which will be entered in our Adventure Package drawing at the end of the evening.
6:30 Gaming tables open for your enjoyment.
-New to casino games? Our dealers are skilled teachers!
–You can bid on your favorite silent auction items while you play. Our silent auction attendants can text you if you are outbid and raise your bid at your request.
8:30 The 50/50 raffle winner is announced! *
9:00 Gaming Tables Close
–Convert your chips to tickets for the “Taste of Milwaukee “Drawing. Deposit tickets in the bin(s) of your choice.
–Last chance to bid on your silent auction items.
9:15 Silent Auction Closes
9:30 Bar Closes
-Join our Jester for Trivia Fun.
-Followed by the “Taste of Milwaukee” Package Drawing. *
-Pick up your silent auction items, wine bottles and growlers.
* Winners do not need to be present.