2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Serve in Our Parish

Advent and Lent Outreach

During sacred times of the Church year, we offer short-term outreach to parishioners. Holiday Plant Delivery is held on the second Saturday in December. We deliver beautiful poinsettia plants to our parishioners who are homebound or living in a health care facility. We always need extra volunteers for this event because we visit 200+ parishioners who are unable to leave their homes for health reasons. Ash Wednesday/Holy Week is another time we make a special visit to our parishioners who are homebound. On Ash Wednesday we bring blessed ashes, the Eucharist, and a Lenten bag lunch. On the Tuesday or Wednesday of Holy Week we revisit the same parishioners who are homebound. This simple act of charity means so much to our older adults, who need our friendship. 

Contact Terri Balash, Director of Pastoral Care, at 414-469-6173 or tbalash@ffpmke.org.


Apostles’ Café

The Apostles’ Café is a hospitality ministry that provides music, refreshments and, most importantly, an opportunity to get to know others who are coming to Mass at SS Peter and Paul. Held once a month after the 7:00 pm Mass, the Café is a casual way to meet new people, catch up with friends, enjoy free music and hopefully get your week off to a great start! Help is needed setting up before Mass, helping serve refreshments, cleaning up, and/or providing desserts.

Contact Nino Rebholz, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at 414-271-6577 or nrebholz@ffpmke.org.


Block Party

Saints Peter and Paul hosts an annual Block Party on the second Saturday in September.  It is a major fundraising project that brings parish community and neighborhood together to celebrate.  It includes children’s activities, food and beverage, raffles, silent auctions and live entertainment.  Volunteers are needed to plan, gather items, serve at booths, and more. 

For further information contact Larry Burns at lawrence.burns@att.net or Nancy Burns at nburns414@gmail.com.


Catholic East Elementary School

Do you love reading with young children or perhaps working math problems with a young scholar? If you said yes and have time during the day or early afternoon, your Catholic school would love to hear from you! We are exploring the possibility of connecting parishioners with school children in an effort to provide more one-on-one school support, but perhaps more importantly, fostering strong community between our parishes and school.

If you are interested in this or other volunteer opportunities, please contact Catholic East at 414-964-1770.


Chiapas Chili Cook-Off

This annual event, held each winter, celebrates our sister relationship with San Ildefonso Parish in Tenejapa, Chiapas, Mexico. We gather in the Cramer “Fiesta Hall” to sample top chili recipes from Saints Peter and Paul parishioners. Proceeds go to support San Ildefonso. We welcome volunteers to help plan, set-up, or contribute their best chili.


Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is for K4-5th graders during the 9:30 am Mass in late September-May. Adults who love God and love children are invited to become volunteer leaders for CLW, while middle schoolers can serve as lectors for our liturgy, and high schoolers volunteer as CLW assistants. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your love and faith with the young children of our parish and to grow in your own faith too!

If interested or for further information, please contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at 414-962-2443 or aclausen@ffpmke.org.


Christian Women Society (THW)

The Christian Women Society provides opportunities for women to develop deeper relationships with God and our patroness, the Blessed Virgin Mary, through prayer, service, and friendship. Originally started at Three Holy Women Parish, this group has expanded to include all women of Three Holy Women, Our Lady of Divine Providence, Old Saint Mary, and Saints Peter and Paul parishes. Read more about the Christian Women Society.


Door Greeter Ministry

This is an easy way for all parishioners, especially families with children, to be involved and show hospitality to everyone who walks through our church doors. Simply arrive five to ten minutes early to Mass, stand outside the church doors, open the door and welcome/greet people as they walk into church. 

Contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at aclausen@ffpmke.org or 414-962-2443.


Family Justice Brigade

We are excited to launch a new ministry, Family Justice Brigade (FJB)! By putting families’ faith into action, the FJB will provide families opportunities to serve others in our community, to learn about social justice, and to work towards a more peaceful and just city. We are open to families of all faith backgrounds. Our families can all work together to bring about more peace and justice in our community!

Contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at aclausen@ffpmke.org or 414-962-2443.


FOCCUS Ministry

FOCCUS is an internationally used inventory for couples preparing for marriage. It is not a test, but is rather a tool to help couples learn more about themselves and the manner in which they relate to their partner. FOCCUS and other similar inventories can be very useful for diagnosing areas of both strength and weakness in couple communication.  Within our parishes, married couples serve as facilitators for this process that our engaged couples complete as part of their marriage preparation. Training is provided. 

If you are a married couple interested in working with an engaged couple in the FOCCUS process, contact Chad Griesel, Pastoral Associate, at 414-271-6577 or cgriesel@ffpmke.org.


Funeral Ministry of Hospitality

Funeral Ministers of Hospitality assist with funerals before, during, and after the liturgy. They offer support to the family and warmly welcome their guests. They distribute and collect worships aids, assist people to their seats, and answer any questions that occur.  Most important, Funeral Ministers of Hospitality help to create a welcoming environment that encourages the congregation to become involved in the liturgy. This is a vital ministry, as all who enter our church doors should experience our warm hospitality. 

Contact Terri Balash, Director of Pastoral Care, at 414-469-6173 or tbalash@ffpmke.org.


Good News Adventure

Come join us for a free, fun, faith-filled summer camp for kids of all ages! Good News Adventure is all about sharing the good news of God’s love with every child through games, songs, snacks, Bible stories, and a whole lot of fun! GNA takes place in July each year for children entering k4 through 5th grade. Older kids are invited to join in the fun as volunteers, and we also are in great need of adults to join the volunteer team to make this week possible for our kids. To register to volunteer, visit ssppmilw.org/gna.

Contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at 414-962-2443 or aclausen@ffpmke.org.


Greeter Ministry

These volunteers offer a warm greeting and open the doors for everyone coming into our church, a simple way we make every person who comes through our doors feel welcome.  It’s a simple job, but you never know the difference a friendly greeting will make in someone’s day!  You can volunteer as an individual or as a family (kids are often great at this job!) and you will serve about once every four to six weeks.  You select the Mass time you attend.

For further information contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at 414-962-2443 or aclausen@ffpmke.org.


Liturgical Ministry

The Church calls forth people with special gifts and talents to serve the community at Mass.  These include Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality, Acolytes/Servers, Cantors and Choir Members.  These ministers are asked to serve our community as scheduled, approximately 1-2 times/month.  Formation is offered as a way to help you deepen your commitment to your ministry and to keep you informed regarding your particular ministry. Read more about Liturgical Minsitries.

Contact Tom Koester, Director of Liturgy and Music, at 414-962-2443 or tkoester@ffpmke.org.  


Mass in the Grass and Feast Day Picnic

The Saints Peter and Paul Feast Day Mass, held each June, is a very special liturgy. Mass is held outdoors (weather permitting) and followed by a potluck picnic and games for all ages. We welcome volunteers to help plan, set-up, grill, and run the games. 

For more details contact Marcia Frankiewicz at 414-491-6930 or mfrankiewicz@hotmail.com.


Meal Ministry

The Meal Ministry will offer support to families who are going through difficult times by making and delivering meals. It is a source of practical help, but also a concrete message that they are not alone and that our community cares about them. A meal sign-up is emailed out when there is a family in need, and you simply sign up for a date that is convenient for you. You do not have to sign up for every one. You choose how often you are able to participate. 

Contact Lynn Charnitz at 414-213-3135 or lcharnitz@earthlink.net.


Ministry of Care

A Minister of Care has the opportunity to visit parishioners who are homebound or living in healthcare facilities and are unable to attend Mass due to complications with their health.  This important ministry allows our parishioners to remain a vital part of our community.  It is a humbling service and a significant way to share Christ’s healing presence.  

Contact Terri Balash, Director of Pastoral Care, at 414-469-6173 or tbalash@ffpmke.org.


Monte Carlo Night

Experience all the fun and excitement of a Monte Carlo Casino with game tables, fabulous prizes, food, cash bar, music and a silent auction. This is our parish’s newest fundraiser, held each spring. We welcome volunteers to help plan each portion of the event and/or work the night of the event.

For more details contact Marcia Frankiewicz at 414-491-6930 or mfrankiewicz@hotmail.com or Steve Luke at 414-238-3620 or coolhandwi@hotmail.com.


Nursery Volunteer

We are always looking for new volunteers to add to our childcare team for Moms Groups on weekday mornings twice a month and other parish events. Would you be able to give a few hours a month to cuddle sweet babies and play with adorable preschoolers?

Please contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at 414-962-2443 or aclausen@ffpmke.org if you would consider helping out!



OremusMKE is an outreach ministry that seeks to literally open the doors of our churches to welcome people in.  The life of our churches does not always coincide with the life of our neighborhoods.  By opening our churches for prayer, adoration, music and reflection during a busy weekend night, we hope to bring people into our churches so that they can experience the power of God and the hospitality of our parish community. Pairs of people go out and invite our neighbors and passersby in to see our beautiful churches, light a candle, and spend some quiet time in prayer. All in our four-parish family are welcome to join these nights by coming to pray in the church. If you are interested in getting involved further, we are looking for volunteers to greet/welcome people at the door, to go out to invite our neighbors in to the church, and/or to assist with planning.

Contact Nino Rebholz, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at 414-271-6577 or nrebholz@ffpmke.org.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl group typically meets one Thursday each month. When these prayer shawls are completed, they are blessed and given to our Director of Pastoral Care, Terri, to share with those who are in need of prayer and support from our community.  This ministry has a great spirit! These gifted individuals share their faith with the sick, lonely and heavy hearted, and remind them of God’s love.  Prayer shawl gift bags are always available to anyone in our parish.

If you or someone you know needs a prayer shawl, you have a question, or are interested in joining this group, please contact Terri Balash, Director of Pastoral Care, at 414-469-6173 or tbalash@ffpmke.org.



The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process that guides individuals who are interested in being full members of the Catholic Church.  RCIA invites those who have never been baptized, those who may have been baptized in another Christian tradition, and those who were baptized Catholic but have not received the sacraments of first Holy Communion or Confirmation.  Beginning each fall, this group seeks to learn about the Catholic faith, to be formed within the faith community and to live out that faith within the Church and within their lives.

If you are interested in being a sponsor or part of the RCIA team, contact Chad Griesel, Pastoral Associate, at 414-271-6577 or cgriesel@ffpmke.org.


Reflecting on the Sunday Readings

On the first and third Mondays of each month, we invite individuals to share and reflect on the upcoming Sunday readings.  In a small group setting, we break open God’s Word, allowing it to speak to our lives and to challenge us to grow in our understanding of who God is, who we are, and who God is calling us to be.  

If you are interested in facilitating a group, contact Chad Griesel, Pastoral Associate, at 414-271-6577 or cgriesel@ffpmke.org.


Religious Education (UPLIFT Family Formation)

Have you considered becoming a catechist for our religious education program? Perhaps God is calling you to this rewarding ministry. We begin in late September and go through mid-May. Catechists will be provided materials and support for teaching. We also offer formation opportunities at various times during the year.

Contact Anh Clausen, Director of Family Ministry and Religious Formation, at aclausen@ffpmke.org or 414-962-2443.


Revenue Team

The Revenue Team provides fundraising support to our parish and its ministries.  We look for new ways to generate income.  We brainstorm ideas, strive to think outside the box and apply fundraising techniques, while at all times keeping the FUN in fundraising!  Join the team and share your ideas.

For more details contact Steve Luke at 414-238-3620 and coolhandwi@hotmail.com.


SPRED (Special Religious Development)

Share your faith and friendship. Be part of our SPRED small faith group. SPRED, Special Religious Development, meets the spiritual needs of people with intellectual disabilities and learning difficulties. We are looking for warm, friendly, faith-filled people to join our SPRED group as catechists. No background is needed, and training is provided. You don’t need to be a specialist to be a part of a SPRED community. Can you step up and make a difference in the life of a special someone who can benefit from your friendship and the fellowship of growing in faith with others?

Please contact our SPRED Parish Chairperson, Helen Bolgrien, at 414-322-3412 or hbolgrien@gmail.com.


St. Anne Society (Old St. Mary)

The St. Anne Society provides opportunities for parishioners to assist Old St. Mary Parish and its programs by encouraging spiritual and corporal works. The Society’s main mission has always been to supply the needs of the Sacristy and Sanctuary through social activities and fundraisers over the years. Vestments, altar linens and altar breads have been purchased on a regular basis. Meetings are held the second Sunday of the months of September through May. Gathering together in the morning after Mass, members are led in prayer and blessing of their breakfast and then plan programs, social events and fundraisers. The Society is made up of women and men, not only of Old St. Mary Parish, but also of other parishes who wish to join. Click to learn more about the St. Anne Society.


UPLIFT Young Adult

“Uniting People Living in Faith and Truth” (UPLIFT) Family Formation Program is the Family of Four parish formation program for all ages. We are excited to kickstart a young adult aspect to connect with each other, meet some new people, and enjoy a spiritual conversation and reflection. We are excited to grow together as our faith continues to take shape.

If you are interested in joining other young adults on the planning team, contact Nino Rebholz, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, at 414-271-6577 or nrebholz@ffpmke.org.