2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Year of Mercy – November 2015


November 2015 – Pray for the Living and the Dead

The first work of mercy on which we focus is one that everyone can do and hopefully does engage in on a daily basis. As people of faith, we believe in our hearts that God is always with us, guiding us through the Holy Spirit and eager to be in relationship with us.

By praying for the living and the dead, we fully acknowledge the presence of God in every person and the inherent dignity that comes with that immense blessing. We also show our faith that God has the power and desire to love and care for those still physically with us on Earth, and the grace to overcome the power of death and sin, bringing all souls to rest peacefully for all eternity in heaven.

As you continue through the month, we encourage you to take a few extra moments in prayer each day to remember all those on Earth, especially those who are suffering and marginalized. And while we already celebrated All Souls and All Saints earlier this month, please keep the souls of those who have died in your thoughts and prayers.

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