Each month the Human Concerns Committee will highlight the work of a community organization doing outstanding ministry in the city of Milwaukee. Our March 2021 partner is also the beneficiary of our 2021 Lenten Almsgiving: the future Archdiocesan Ministry Center at All Saints!
In addressing the expressed wishes of the Black Catholic Community in the latest Black Catholic Pastoral, the future Archdiocesan Ministry Center will create a center point from which to engage the community in formation and evangelization. This improved meeting space will offer the ability to engage youth and adults in ministry opportunities and community building events. Additionally, the development of the Ministry Center is in direct response to the specifically expressed needs and desires of those living in the All Saints, Garden Homes, and Amani neighborhoods. The Center will offer badly needed services by shining a light on the existing ministries of the Catholic Community by placing them in the proximity of those who need them the most.
Related to our Lenten theme of the “Possibility of Encounter,” we will be focusing this year’s almsgiving project on supporting the future Archdiocesan Ministry Center at All Saints! This ministry center will provide a variety of opportunities for building relationships with members of the All Saints neighborhoods. The Archdiocesan Ministry Center will provide a place of encounter, in the central city of Milwaukee, for the outreach and services of Catholic Charities. Other dreams for this space include offering a variety of family programming, as well as other opportunities that support overall individual and family wellness. To help attract neighbors to the center, our almsgiving campaign will focus on helping to create a positive and welcoming first impression of the ministry center. We will be raising funds to update the landscaping of the building, providing new signage to welcome visitors and neighbors, remove outdated barriers and hopefully provide a welcome desk. “We are helping to facilitate the possibility of encounter in the future.”
First Steps
On the practical level we see our first steps at the Archdiocesan Ministry Center at All Saints as planting the initial seeds to grow the ministry. We will be bringing our first service provider, Catholic Charities, into the center in the very near future. Catholic Charities will have an Outreach Case Manager available on a periodic basis to conduct needs assessments with community members. This will open access to all Catholic Charities services. Catholic Charities will provide a Pregnancy Support and Parenting Case Manager on a periodic basis as well.
Education and Involvement
There are many ways to learn more about the future Archdiocesan Ministry Center at All Saints! Please take some time to watch or join the following educational opportunities:
- Our Lenten Almsgiving Introductory Video (released February 18, 2021)
In this introductory video, you will be introduced to the future site of the Archdiocesan Ministry Center at All Saints. Related to our Lenten theme of the “Possibility of Encounter,” we will be focusing our almsgiving campaign on supporting a positive first impression of the ministry center… the outside! We will be raising funds to update the landscaping of the building, providing new signage to welcome visitors and neighbors, and remove outdated barriers. You will hear from Fr. Tim Kitzke and Anne Haines about the history between our Family of Four Parishes and the neighborhoods of the central city that will be served in this ministry center. Additionally, you will learn more about the vision of the center moving forward.
- Eat, Drink and Be Catholic on March 10 at 7:00 pm
Eat, Drink and Be Catholic @Home gathered on March 10th via Zoom and featured Anne Haines and Laura Hancock. Anne serves as the Executive Director of the Urban Initiative for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and Laura serves our Family of Four Parishes as the Director of Social Justice and Outreach Ministries. They joined us to talk about our Lenten Almsgiving Project, supporting a ministry center for the central city located on the campus of All Saints Parish, near 25th and Capitol. Watch the recording of the conversation below or at https://youtu.be/Tu1mzFqE3Pw.
- Pre-recorded Zoom Panel Discussion (to be released towards the end of March)
In this pre-recorded conversation, Laura Hancock (of the Family of Four Parishes) and Anne Haines (of the Archdiocesan Ministry Center at All Saints) facilitate a conversation between a number of individuals who will be involved in the ministry center. Among the participants are Mr. Fessahaye Mebrahtu, Director of the Black Catholic and Ethnic Ministries of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee; Fr. James Arthur, Pastor of All Saints Catholic Church; Ms. Tonya Johnson, Director of Administration at All Saints; Dr. Rosemary Murphy, Director of Outreach Ministry at All Saints; Ms. Ruth Willis, neighbor, guest, and former volunteer of the All Saints Meal Program; Ms. Jennifer Layton of Catholic Charities; and of course, other members of our parish staff, including Fr. Tim Kitzke. Watch the conversation below or at https://youtu.be/MQJm9phmbC4.
Prayer Requests
Please commit to praying for all the individuals and families who will cross the threshold of the Archdiocesan Ministry Center at All Saints, that they will know they are valued, appreciated as they are, and beloved by God. Please pray for all the service providers at the ministry center, that they will encounter each person as the person of Christ. And please pray for our Family of Four Parishes, that we will continue to deepen our relationships with the many beloved individuals and communities in the central city of Milwaukee.
To support this Community Ministry Connection and Lenten Almsgiving campaign, please give generously! You can write a check out to your parish (SS Peter and Paul, Old St. Mary, Our Lady of Divine Providence, or Three Holy Women) and write “Lenten Almsgiving” in the memo line. Thank you!
- Update landscaping
- Removal and/or beautification of property barriers
- Removal and/or beautification of property barriers
- Create a reception area
- Create new signage to welcome people to the Ministry Center
- Anne Haines and Fr. Tim Kitzke record the introductory video!