2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Contact Us

Each year, the SSPP Block Party is brought to you by a small army of chairpersons and their volunteers. Chairpersons are listed below. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.

Event Co-Chairs

Nancy Burns: nburns414@gmail.com
Larry Burns:  lawrence.burns@att.net

Underwriting, Sponsorship

Pam Dowling: pam@1s2cz.com

Basket Raffle Donations

Jodi Delfosse:  delfosse@att.net
Sylvia Buckman:  sylviabuckman@yahoo.com

Publicity, Advertising, Website, Entertainment

Karol Hoerth:  ssppblockparty@yahoo.com

Silent Auction Donations

Pam Dowling:  414-962-1648 or pam@1s2cz.com

Murray’s Marketplace

Julie Trafton:  atrafton@wi.rr.com

Main Raffle

Katie Utschig:  mkutschig@sbcglobal.net

Volunteer Signup

Nancy Burns: nburns414@gmail.com

Children’s Area/Family Fun

KC Kraiss

Children’s Games

Jenny Mendenhall

Food Booth

Dave Poniwaz
Elaine Burns


Samantha Haas


Joan Squire


Pam Dowling

Ticket Booth

Nadine Stoltz

Silent Auction

Claudia Morris
Mary Reavey
MaryAnn Dropp


Tom Hoerth

Parish Staff Liaison

Chris D’Amato:  cdamato@ffpmke.org

Parish Office

For further information, contact the parish office at 414-962-2443. The parish office is located at 2491 N. Murray Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53211.