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Pilgrimage to Ireland 2024
Join Fr. Tim Kitzke and Milwaukee Catholic Home on an exciting 10-day pilgrimage to Ireland! June 2-11, 2024 This trip will give us a special glimpse of a unique part of the world, with a wonderful mix of history, ancient ruins, stunning panoramic views, legendary castles and moats, and romantic and…
June 2023 Gospel Teasers
Each week, the priests and staff will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. June 25: Mamie Riyeff June 11: Sarah Haus June 4: Meggie Moyer
June 2023 Weekly Bulletin Messages
June 25th, 2023 – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Receive my offering, O Lord.It is not charity, because you are not a beggar.It is not a contribution, because you have no need of it.It is not my leftovers, because you want more than that.My gift, O Lord, represents my gratitude,…
May Gospel Teasers
Each week, the priests and staff will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. May 28: Anh Clausen May 21: Terri Balash May 14: Mary Robertson May 7: Jack Bolog
May 2023 Weekly Bulletin Messages
May 28, 2023 – Pentecost Sunday “Come, Holy Spirit, come…You, of comforters the best!”(from the Pentecost Sequence) Dear Friends, When my mom was still living, we always asked her on her birthday what she wanted. She would always respond “I just want my kids to get along.” It always reminded…
April Gospel Teasers
Each week, the priests and staff will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. April 30: Timothy Trzcinko April 23: Nino Rebholz April 16: Sarah Haus April 9: Fr. Carlos
April 2023 Weekly Bulletin Messages
April 30, 2023 – 4th Sunday of Easter “There are two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children: One of these is roots, the other wings.”(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) Dear Friends, What a joyful gift to see our young people receive our Lord in their First Holy Communion…
March 2023 Weekly Bulletin Messages
March 26, 2023 – Fifth Sunday of Lent Dear all, Easter is only two weeks away and the entire Christian world cannot wait to celebrate the most central feast day of our profession, the victory of Christ over sin and death by his own Passion, Death, and Resurrection. As the…
Lent 2023 Weekly Reflections
Week 1: February 26 This weekend, we listen to two stories of temptation: the temptation of Adam and Eve in the garden and the temptation of Jesus in the desert. The first reading tells us the all too human story of temptation: not trusting that God is going to give…
Gospel Teasers
Gospel Teasers Video Reflections Our new video series debuts this Lent: Gospel Teasers. Each week, the priests and staff will offer a one-minute reflection on the upcoming Gospel. You can watch the videos below, on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. February 19 Introduction: Fr. Carlos Ash Wednesday: Fr. Tim February 26:…