2490 N Cramer Street, Milwaukee, WI 53211

January 2024 Weekly Bulletin Messages


January 28th, 2024 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Father Joseph

We are now in the Fourth week of Ordinary Time and also at the end of January.

I do not want to alarm anyone, but Ash Wednesday is two and a half weeks away. Most years, Ash Wednesday sneaks up on me and I wake up that morning trying to decide what my Lenten practices should be.

I hope that we prepare properly for Lent each year. My encouragement over the next two weeks is to pray to discern your Lenten practices. Is there something you enjoy doing that you could give up as an offering to the Lord? Is there room for additional prayer in your life? Are you being called to give time and talent to the church or one of our many outreach ministries?

My encouragement for you is to be able to spend the next two and a half weeks preparing for Lent so that you have the best Lent of your life. May God bless you as you prepare for this season of Lent.

God Bless,
Fr. Joseph

January 21st, 2024 – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Father Carlos

Dear friends,

In the first reading for this Sunday, the prophet Jonah hears the word of the Lord addressing him, saying, “Set out for the great city of Nineveh, and announce to it the message that I will tell you.”

Every fall, priests of the Archdiocese receive a letter from the Priest Placement Board asking us about our hopes in ministry. The Priest Placement Board are priests and lay people responsible for advising the Archbishop as to where priests can and/or should be assigned.

This past fall, I shared with the Placement Board about a growing desire I had had in my heart for a while, namely, a desire to serve as the pastor of a parish community or parish communities.

Like Jonah, in the last couple of days, I got the news from the Priest Placement Board that I will indeed be receiving a new parish assignment this coming June.

This is a hard thing to share, since I have been a very happy priest serving at the Family of Five parishes. These have been two life-giving years of my priestly ministry, working with Fr. Tim, now with Fr. Joseph, and a wonderful staff at the parishes. Getting to know each of you has been a reason for me to tell God, ‘Thank you for the gift of my Priesthood, and for the ability to serve your People in the person of Christ.’

At the present moment, I am saddened by the fact that I will be leaving the Family of Five parishes this summer and, at the same time, I am excited about the possibility of becoming a pastor in the Archdiocese.

As I prepare to, God-willing, start leading my own parish community or parish communities this June, I am grateful for the early notice I received from the Priest Placement Board. This early notice will allow me to take the next six months to show you my gratitude for the gift that each of you are to me and to our Family of parishes.

With love,
Fr. Carlos.

January 14th, 2024 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Father Tim

Dear Friends,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, the call of the original followers of Jesus begins with Jesus asking “What are you looking for?” To which they ask, “Where are you staying?” To which Jesus says, “Come, and you will see.”

Finding Jesus always involves an encounter in a concrete place. Jesus creates space in which his followers can experience the Kingdom of God made real. I thought this week would be a good chance to talk about our sacred spaces, where we can find Jesus, and be found.

Due to all who generously contributed to the Love One Another Capital Campaign, all of the Family of Five churches are beginning to see work getting planned, started, and completed to make our physical spaces more into places of encounter with Jesus in a world seeming to grow more divided, colder, and unwelcoming. Here is just a sample of things accomplished and yet to come:

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist:
The roof replacement is now completed,
and this major endeavor will last for years to come!

Old St. Mary:
Plans for the new organ are being completed
after careful research and study.

Our Lady of Divine Providence:
Plans are being researched and finalized for
additional bathrooms and a Family Space,
in conjunction with a gathering space.

Ss. Peter and Paul:
The replacement of the church floor with new carpeting
and wood has started, with the project underway starting
January 22, to hopefully be completed just in time for
reopening the church for Holy Week.

Three Holy Women:
Windows in Holy Rosary rectory will be completed in the
next months, and the fixing and refurbishing of the offices
at St. Hedwig, including windows, is happening. There is
also research being done for carpeting in St. Hedwig
church and additional bathrooms at Holy Rosary. The
Prayer garden at St. Rita will be worked on in spring.

Outreach Fund:
We are working to formally establish an Outreach Fund
for the parishes in our beloved central city that need help
with some of their needs. More about that as it develops,
but we feel it so important that as we take care of our
spaces, we remember those who need our help!

This is a brief and limited summary of a lot going on. If you have questions, please never hesitate to call or email me. But I wanted to get some information out as we move forward in the mission of Jesus as we work on those concrete spaces that allow us to bring Jesus to the world!

Sincerely, with love,

Fr. Tim, your pastor

January 7th, 2024 – The Epiphany of the Lord

Father Joseph

Today, we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. In this great feast, we see the manifestation of Jesus to the whole world.

Jesus did not come for a few, but for the whole world. The Magi came from the East looking for the new King. Upon entering the house, they saw Jesus and Mary and were so overwhelmed, that they prostrated themselves.

Their faith is amazing! They see the savior of the world as a young child and know that he is there for their salvation. It is a beautiful testament and witness to faith.

I pray that everyone can have the same faith when we see the Lord in the Eucharist. As we continue the Eucharistic Revival in the Church in the United States, I encourage everyone to ask for the grace needed to fall more in love with God every day and have faith in the Eucharist as the magi did before our Lord.

Merry Christmas!
Fr. Joseph